Hot & Cold
Stone Massage

invigorating and refreshing
helps against concentration
issues and headaches

Enjoy the invigorating combination of gentle massage, high-quality oils, warm basalt and cool marble stones. While the heat helps soothe away tension and stress, the cold alleviates painful inflammation of the muscle tissue. Jackpot – for body, mind and soul.

A Modern Take
On Old Wisdom

The hot & cold stonemassage is a healing method used by American Indians. This soothing treatment involves placing the stones on the body’s energy points (chakras). The massage stimulates blood circulation, increasing cell activity in the process. Stimulating the lymphatic flow helps release waste products and toxins from the body. The high-quality, pure body oil boosts the effect and offers additional well-being.

Hot & Cold Stone Massage available in:


Baden Trafo


Zug Eichstätte

