Your squash centre near Bern

Squash is a top sport for endurance, reaction and coordination and the perfect addition to your regular exercise routine at your local Fitnesspark. Squash is a sport in which pairs can challenge one another in a playful way while also improving and maintaining their fitness levels. With a bit of practice, you will quickly start to enjoy this dynamic game. 

Whether you’re a Fitnesspark member or simply a squash enthusiast: Visit our squash court at the Time-Out Fitnesspark. At the squash centre, there are two courts waiting for you. Reserve your slot easily online, by phone or at the front desk. And, because you’ll want to come back again and again, we also offer a practical 10-session ticket or fixed court rates.

New to squash?

You can rent racquets and balls at the front desk. There is also an info sheet for you with the rules of the game, tips and techniques. Please note that shoes with black soles must not be worn on the squash courts! Players must be 15 years of age or older.