Medical Massage
• sportmassage
• trigger point treatement
• foot reflexology massage
• connective tissue massage
Massages relieve tension, headaches, migraines and other complaints. We offer a range of treatments depending on your needs. Book your medical massage and talk to your massage therapist about your wishes.
A sensation
that gets under your skin
The massage – the relief of pain through pressure and rubbing – is one of the oldest known healing methods. Our highly trained massage therapists offer a range of massage techniques. These various techniques allow our therapists to tailor treatments to you and so achieve maximum effect.
Medical massage available in:
Baden Trafo
Oberhofen Ostermundigen Time-Out
Lucerne Allmend Lucerne National
Zug Eichstätte
Greifensee Milandia Regensdorf Zurich Puls 5 Zurich Stadelhofen Zurich Stockerhof