Mixed sauna landscape – the heart of our wellness area

There’s plenty to discover for all sauna enthusiasts. Our premium sauna landscape will impress you with the amazing variety, spaciousness in the saunas and relaxation rooms, and the high-quality interiors. Wellness rooms for releasing tension, relaxing, slowing down and recharging your batteries.

Saunalandschaft gemischt
Saunalandschaft gemischt

The sauna as you like it

Enjoy the sauna just the way you like it: hot and dry or warm with high humidity. The soothing and cleansing effect of heat, warmth and steam will lift your spirits and make you feel brand new. In our large saunas with several seating tiers, you can regulate the heat – the temperatures differ greatly depending on the seat position.

Saunas available at Fitnesspark Allmend

Infusion sauna «Glutgaden»

Approx. 90°C

  • Four seating tiers
  • Automatic infusions
  • Infusion ceremonies conducted by sauna attendant

Sauna «Sudgaden»

Approx. 80°C

  • Infusions

Bio sauna «Schwitzgaden»

60°C, approx. 35% humidity

  • Light and sound therapy

Steam bath «Nebelgaden»

Approx. 45°C, 90%–100% humidity

  • Individual bursts of steam
  • Sanitised seat cushions
  • Scrubs conducted by sauna attendant

Ice room «Gletschergaden»

  • Various adventure showers
  • Plunge pools

Foot baths

  • For warm and cold foot baths
  • A warm foot bath promotes good circulation

Cool-down «Regengaden»

  • Various adventure showers
  • Plunge pools


  • Quiet niches throughout the wellness area
  • Herbal and fruit teas

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